Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Connect fragmented data sources.

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics is an international logistics service provider with over 150 years of experience in air, sea, road, rail, and contract logistics. They had inbound visibility data fragmented across multiple vendors and systems. Read how Chain.io gave Hellmann access to the data they needed to analyze and choose the right visibility provider for their needs.

Fragmented Visibility Data Across Multiple Systems

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics is an international logistics service provider with over 150 years of experience in air, sea, road, rail, and contract logistics. They had inbound visibility data fragmented across multiple vendors and systems, including CargoWise, Vizion, and Project44. The complexity of handling data from different sources made it difficult for Hellmann to prioritize and utilize visibility data efficiently.

To determine the best source of visibility data, Hellmann wanted to run a global test across 10,000 shipments, generating over 100,000 tracking events. With this test, Hellmann could then get clarity regarding the data quality that their visibility providers were actually delivering and determine which partner to invest in moving forward.

How Chain.io Helped

Chain.io stepped in to support Hellmann's visibility data test. We started by understanding Hellmann’s business need: to make a clear and data supported decision regarding which direction to go with a visibility provider.

Using the Chain.io platform, Hellmann easily mapped their shipment references to each visibility provider’s format. Chain.io’s pre-built integrations made processing the response data to a common format simple, even with the nuances of each provider’s connection details and unique setup requirements.

Chain.io's solution went beyond plug-and-play data integration, as Hellmann connected their data lake in AWS S3 in order to start ingesting and analyzing the visibility data. During the integration process, Chain.io sent automated logs and error reports for easy analysis and debugging.

Data Integration and Cost Savings

In under two weeks, Chain.io gave Hellmann access to the data they needed to analyze and choose the right visibility provider for their needs.

With data connected between the chosen visibility provider and Hellmann’s existing systems, Hellmann can now leverage their visibility data for better decision-making and improved customer service, setting the stage for continued growth and success in their digital transformation journey.


Chain.io has provided both technical and logistic expertise to architect connectivity that works in the real world. Chain.io's flexible platform has allowed us to seamlessly integrate with various SaaS providers, helping our development team focus on delivering customer value instead of being bogged down in understanding mappings."

- Christian van Eeden, VP of Transformation Architecture

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Hellmann Worldwide Logistics
Company Name

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics


Osnabrück, Germany


Air, sea, road, and rail logistics services Contract Logistics



Solutions Used